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About Me
Ale Lashes
How did a begin this journey
3 years ago I was as an admission representative (advisor), helping students complete the admission process to universities and colleges, supporting them throughout the process and ensuring their student enrollment. When one day my dad’s wife, with whom I have a very beautiful relationship, invited me to an eyelash class because there was a 2×1, and I decided to go take the class with her. After that, I found myself enthusiastic about what I learned and started practicing with my friends at night, applying the eyelashes, lasting between 5 and 6 hours, while continuing to work during the day. But little by little I was being recommended by my friends to their friends, managing to have so many clients that from an extra income, it had become a job, and from there, having to make the most difficult decision
Leaving the good and stable job I had to do what I like, I am passionate about and it makes me feel satisfied with myself when I see the results that my clients have. In the balance, this weighed more for me, deciding to take a risk and dedicate myself to my entrepreneurship, when at that moment I even earned less with eyelashes than with my now old job.
Once I resigned from that job, I began to promote myself in the malls with my business cards, and I spoke with people and the people that I got, making myself known and consequently, obtaining new clients while improving my technique, the interpretation of the products. and the art of how to use my hands for work, being inspired by famous people in my profession, reading books, and researching the internet, until I became a volume specialist, where now it takes me a maximum of two hours in a full set of eyelashes, being able to deliver a great quality of service to my clients, which can last up to 4 weeks.
Once I started lashes i realized that I liked this world so much that I continued to study and added more services such as eyebrow and lip micropgmentation, and microblading. Even the well-known services of everything that is the design of brow cleaning, waxing, threads and tweezers.

I have to say that this industry is very beautiful, there is nothing that fulfills me more than making my clients happy. The greatest satisfaction is when they tell me that they feel very happy and very satisfied with the result after finishing a session with me. Every day discovering the story behind each new client who arrives, knowing inside that since I was little the mission that God had for me is to brighten lives, to serve. I must admit that for a moment I thought that this mission was going to be carried out in the area of health, but it turned out to be in the world of beauty.
I consider myself a spontaneous, sincere, affectionate and very sweet person, this helps my clients feel well treated, as well as beautiful, with the love that I love to give them, which allows them to feel comfortable, and in confidence, letting me show them that true beauty comes from within, being this much more important than the exterior.
Alejandra Castro